
SIATech and MYcroSchool participate in the University of Florida’s Homecoming Parade

SIATech Charter High School and MYcroSchool Charter High School joined together to display their teamwork, school spirit, and support of “The Gators” as they participated in the 2015 University Of Florida’s Homecoming Parade. The schools’ float displayed a huge inflatable UF Gator which was surrounded by two orange and blue balloon arches. In addition to the enormous Gator and the float, students and staff of both SIATech and MYcroSchool walked the parade as they cheered along with the spectating crowd of adoring Gator fans. Maintaining the parade’s theme of “Be the Tradition,” the students proudly exhibited their future’s “Traditional and Non-Traditional Academic Possibilities” as SIATech Charter High School and MYcroSchool Charter High School students. As one poster that was proudly displayed by one of the Gainesville Job Corps/SIATech student stated, “SIATech and MYcroSchool: Traditional Education “PLUS” Much More!” Once again, this was a great joint effort and display of Teamwork!


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