
SIATech San Jose Opportunity Youth Academy featured on San Jose Mercury News!


Nice article that explains more about SIATech San Jose Opportunity Youth Academy in the San Jose Mercury News this past weekend.


Dropouts: innovative online schools attract Santa Clara Co. youth
By Sharon Noguchi
“Mark Schmeing had just turned 18 when he faced a hard choice confronting many foster children. Forced out of his home, he could work to pay rent, or he could stay in high school.

He chose the job and housing. “I’ve been homeless before, and I didn’t like it,” said Schmeing, now 19, of Gilroy

Just this week, he learned how he could keep his barista job and still earn his diploma — the key to higher-paying work, college and career for many. Three Opportunity Youth Academies that opened this fall offer free online classes, guidance and a path to young people like Schmeing who dropped out of school but want to earn their diploma. Organizers hope to reel in some of what they estimate to be 8,000 dropouts ages 16 to 24 in Santa Clara County…”
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