
Meet the SIATech Gainesville Student Ambassadors

GNV_ambassadors_dec2015This year, SIATech Gainesville started a student ambassador program.

SIATech Ambassadors (SGA) are a select group of students chosen through an application process to assist prospective students in the enrollment process, represent SIATech at various outreach activities, and conduct campus tours.

The program seeks students from diverse backgrounds who are enthusiastic and who demonstrate exceptional communication and leadership skills. Student Ambassador Juliette Francis commented, “I love to represent my school and my peers. I love to speak with people and encourage them to know that anything is possible.”

GNV_ambassadors2_dec2015Student Ambassadors partake in various events and activities that include:

  • Conducting group or individualized campus tours
  • Set up tables at career, college, and community fairs and assist with questions about school and organization.
  • Provide interested students and the community with information regarding SIATech.
  • Serve as encouraging role models and advocates for our school.
  • Participate in our school beautification program.

We are so proud of our student ambassadors. Student ambassadors include: Keily Broxton, Nickholas Outer, Jackson Cowart, Tequiria Harper, Bailey Dolsak, Michael Stallworth, Andres Fernandez, Juliet Francis, Kenny Bradley, Mitchell Turner, and Matthew Dombkowski.

View photos of the student ambassadors in the full Newsletter

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