
Painting Her Way to the Marriott: A Recipe for Success

by Bobbie Arterberry III


From left to right: Teacher Bobbie Arterberry, Marriott VP, and SIATech Perris Student Jasmine Macias with her painting presented to Deborah Marriott Harrison.

SIATech’s Fall Leadership gathering is one of the most important training sessions of the year for our program.  It consists of representatives and administrators from all of our major partners, including NEWCorp, MYcroSchool and SIATech, who come together and discuss major issues for the coming year.

At this year’s training, SIATech selected the Director of Marriott International, Ms. Deborah Marriott Harrison to deliver this year’s keynote speech which revolved around using excellent customer service to build and grow ones brand.

SIATech’s central administrative office wanted to provide a special gift for Ms. Harrison, to thank her for her presentation, and provided students the opportunity to create an artwork worthy of being gifted.  Of all the schools and students in our programs, one of my students at SIATech Perris Independent Study, the talented Jasmine Macias, created an art piece that caught the attention of Dr. Linda Dawson and some of the other administrators as well.

Jasmine painted a very unique picture of what she later described as a photograph she took while on a camping trip over the summer in Northern California.  The staff was so thrilled and enamored of her painting, they wanted to frame it and have Jasmine present it to Ms. Harrison at this year’s Leadership training.

Jasmine was ecstatic at the idea that her work was being recognized and was able to attend the 2015 Fall Leadership with her grandparents, father, his girlfriend, and myself.


Pictured: Jasmine (center) with her family.

“It meant everything to me that my family could be there because, they were the ones who helped me follow my dreams,” Jasmine said in regards to her family being able to attend the gathering with her.  “Without them, the painting would have probably not existed.” Jasmine delivered a wonderful speech and presented her artwork to a round of applause from the entire room.

The impression Jasmine made on the individuals in the room was immediately evident.  Not only was she congratulated by our assistant principal, Leebrina Pagdilao, but our CEO, Dr. Linda Dawson as well heaped high praise upon Jasmine.


Dr. Linda Dawson thanked Coronado Marriott’s Nusrat Mirza for supporting SIATech and its students.

Furthermore, the General Manager of the Coronado Marriott, Mr. Nusrat Mirza (pictured with Dr. Dawson) was also very impressed.  He has extended an offer for Jasmine to work in some capacity with his establishment upon completion of her high school diploma.

“It made me feel extremely lucky to be able to have such an amazing opportunity!” she said about the event and the recognition she received.

With only 20 credits remaining, Jasmine is on track to complete her graduation requirements by this February!

In addition to being a very talented artist, Jasmine has a passion for cooking and baking and has already taken steps to enroll in a San Diego culinary program next fall.  She is an excellent student and an even better person.

I am honored to be her teacher while having the privilege of watching her grow since arriving at SIATech Perris last year. It is amazing to see the strides she has made in our program and I have no doubt that she will go on to do great things in the future.

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