
SIATech’s Gallup Student Poll Results Announced

SIATech Perris photo gallup student poll engagementThe Gallup Student Poll measures hope, engagement, entrepreneurial aspiration, and career/financial literacy. SIATech administered the poll in Fall 2015 along with more than 800,000 other high school students nationwide. SIATech students frequently give higher responses than student responses in the nationwide sample. The poll reflects the many ways SIATech provides an excellent educational environment for its students.

Gallup Student Poll Results

Visit site-specific web pages to view school-level SIATech and MYcroSchool Gallup results. View SIATech All Sites Gallup Student Poll Report 2015-2016


In 2015-2016, more than 60% of SIATech students agreed or strongly agreed to the following engagement indicators: school provides an opportunity to do their best (64%), schoolwork is considered important (78%), school is safe (66%), receipt of praise for school work (67%), learned something interesting at school (69%), adults at school care (65%), and that a teacher makes them excited about the future (74%).


Gallup defines hope as the ideas and energy for the future. Hope drives attendance, credits earned, and high school GPA, and is a predictor of college GPA and retention. The majority of SIATech students were hopeful (53%) in 2015-2016.

More than 80% of SIATech students agreed or strongly agreed to the following hope indicators: confidence in graduation (91%), having a great future ahead (89%), capacity to get good grades (80%), having set goals (85%) and post-graduation job outlook (89%).

Entrepreneurial Aspiration

Entrepreneurial aspiration is the talent and energy for building businesses that survive, thrive, and employ others. According to Gallup, by identifying and nurturing students’ innate entrepreneurial talent, educators can empower the next generation of innovators to spur and sustain long-term economic energy.

The majority of SIATech students plan to start their own business (58%) and many students felt they are learning what they need to start and run a business while at SIATech (38%). Many students believe they will invent something that changes the world (39%).

Career / Financial Literacy

Career / financial literacy includes the information, attitudes, and behaviors that students need to practice for healthy participation in the economy.
Wise economic choices can contribute to a thriving life.

The majority of SIATech students expressed that they are learning how to save and spend money (64%), and many students have a bank account (40%) and paying job (29%).

Visit site-specific web pages to view school-level SIATech and MYcroSchool Gallup results.

SIATech All Sites Gallup Student Poll Report 2015-2016

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