
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week From SIATech Charter High Schools

Thank You Teachers!

Please join me in thanking our wonderful teachers who effectively engage with our students every day and support their goals for the future.  Our teachers are so much more than content specialists.  They are dynamic professionals who meet students where they are and encourage them to pursue their dreams. They are competent, dedicated, committed, and joyful in their craft. 
We all know how important strong relationships are to feeling safe and secure in our world.   Our teachers not only understand this, but embrace it as an essential element in their daily practice. They are true heroes. They embody dedication, commitment, creativity, and having high expectations supported by caring and concern for individual students.  This exemplifies the BEST in SIATech and MYcroSchool teachers!
Thanks to all of you for another extraordinary year of making a real difference in student’s lives and hope for the future.  You inspire me every day to continue the important work that we do for opportunity youth!  Thank You!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Best, LD

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