
SIATech Perris Student Story: Eduardo

By Kelly Heffern

It was a pleasure to see Eduardo deliver his senior presentation. He was excited to get it taken care of as he will be moving to Indio soon. It is also nice to know that he completed his course work before he had to move.

Eduardo is a great kiddo, but was a poky little puppy at first. It took us putting him on contract to get his tail in gear. Once he saw that the more he came in to the lab, the more progress he made, it clicked!

One thing that made a difference for Eduardo was the extra help from the teachers. “My time here at SIATech has been great because the teachers actually give you a thorough explanation whenever they are helping us and give us tips on how to improve our assignment or skills.”

It hasn’t all been grinding work. As Eduardo thinks back on some of the good times while at SIATech, he reflects: “There have been fun moments like last month when Mr. Rogers brought in the Ghost Pepper Sauce. Also, Ms. Heffern’s relatable stories and amazing tips on how we can improve both for life and work. And, Arterberry’s funny conversations whenever he is throwing shade at us. All while helping us finishing our work in a safe, fun and professional atmosphere where we are all going to ultimately graduate.”

So, what did Eduardo think of the contract that he was put on in the early days of SIATech? Apparently the extra accountability was effective. “For me I don't mind being put on a contract because it helped me boost my production of work to graduate and it helped me gain that inspiration and actually put the work in.”

Congratulations, and best of luck, Eduardo!

“For me I don't mind being put on a contract because it helped me boost my production of work to graduate and it helped me gain that inspiration and actually put the work in.”

SIATech Perris Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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