
SIATech Perris Student Shira Parker Excels in Biology

By Bill Moseley

It is not often that a student is anxious to complete a science project, however with our innovative science classes there are many ways to learn the standards-based concepts and students are able to choose projects aligned with their interests and goals.

Recently, SIATech Perris high school student Shira Parker dissected an actual frog. Many students opt for a virtual dissection, but Shira really wanted to do a real dissection rather than a virtual one. Her teacher Mr. Arterberry got her the supplies, and as principal, I happened to be present. I was able to observe, and Shira was really well prepared! She knew exactly what to do without need much guidance from Mr. Arterberry.

Mr. Arterberry says she’s always going above and beyond and doing great work. Shira is an amazing student and we look forward to seeing what she does next!

SIATech Perris Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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