
Mental Health Information and Resources

Mental Health Information and Resources

You’re not alone!
1 in 5 teens struggle with their mental health. 50% of all lifetime cases of mental challenges begin by age 14. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among 10-24 year olds.
It is important that we break the stigma and get support for ourselves and the people around us, we are in this together!

What is Mental Health?
Did you know that everyone has mental health? Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Just like we must take care of our body, we must also take care of our brain.

Because mental health is really just about taking care of our brain, we like to refer to it as Brain Health! Everyone wants a healthy brain, right? I mean, without our brain, who are we? Our brains are what make us aware and alive. Our brains help us experience the world around us, and one another. Our brains help us laugh and love and learn. Our brains are incredible and super cool to learn more about. Don’t you want to know more?

Well, becoming a brain health warrior and advocate starts within ourselves. To have a healthy brain, we must take care of our body (nutrition, food, exercise, sleep). We must also have a sense of safety and security. Once we have our physiological and safety needs met (basic needs); we need social support/connection, self-esteem, and ultimately self-actualization. This concept of brain health was created by Dr. Abraham Maslow, and is referred to as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. In order to get these various needs met, we need a support network of people and resources.

That is where we can help! SIATech staff are here to help you access resources and/or assist you in getting resources in any of or all of these aspects of your life. Talk with a trusted teacher or staff member, or email the wellness team at wellness@siatech.org.

Videos on Mental Health

Additional Mental Health Resources

  • Teen Guide to Mental Health Poster
  • Mental Health Literacy
    What are Mental Disorders? What is Brain Injury? What is Stigma? We need to know as much about our minds as we do our bodies. Read, watch, and connect on all things mental health for teens and young adults.
  • Seize the Awkward: Talking to a Friend about Mental Health
    Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference. Check out these tools – from conversation guides to tips –that can help you help those in need.
    Artists such as Billie Eilish share their stories about their own mental health.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
    If you are experiencing symptoms that are affecting your everyday life, it is essential to seek help. The NAMI website has resources, tips, tools, and information that can be helpful during your journey toward finding the right care and support for you.
  • Brain XP is dedicated to ending the stigma toward other teenagers who suffer from mental health issues. Brain XP also has positive daily social media content: Brain XP Blog and Brain XP Instagram (@brainxpproject). All of their content is created by teens for other teens, and all of our resources can be accessed online.
  • Ten Things You Can Do To Take Care of Your Mental Health
    Try these tips to keep your balance, or re-balance yourself
  • Teen Mental Health Information by Teens
    Teens at High Tech High Media Arts created zines on various mental health topics to help support other teens.

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