
Mental Health Info: Eating Disorder

Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are problems that affect a person’s eating behaviors as well as their attitudes and feelings about food — and about their body. Eating disorders affect a person’s mental health and can cause serious harm to a person’s physical health.There are several types of eating disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders

No matter what kind you have, eating disorders require special attention and treatment, reach out for help if you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms:
1. Dieting behaviors
2. Evidence of binge eating
3. Evidence of deliberate vomiting or laxative use
4. Excessive, obsessive, or ritualistic exercise patterns
5. Changes in food preference
6. Development of rigid patterns around food selection, preparation and eating
7. Avoidance of eating meals, especially in a social setting
8. Lying about food consumed or evading questions about eating
9. Behaviors focus on food
10. Behaviors focused on body shape and weight
11. Development of repetitive or obsessive behaviors relating to body shape and weight
12. Social withdrawal or avoidance of previously enjoyed activities

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