
Always Learning Something: NCIS Brings Fun Spin to “ALS”

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An update from North County Independent Study Principal, Mr. Lewis:

Some people may refer to ALS as Accelerated Learning Sessions.  At NCIS, ALS stands for Always Learning Something.  NCIS rolled out a new year of ALS on September 26th with Ms. Nichols as the opener.

We are working this year to integrate the 14 Teaching Practices For Enhancing Learning across all of our ALS content and focus areas.  While Peter Liljedahl wrote "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics," we understand that his 14 practices work in all environments.

Ms. Nichols delivered the most poignant introduction, beginning our year in just the right way.  She immediately made me think of a piece from Jonathan Kozol’s Ordinary Resurrections, a reference to a Thomas Merton poem: “The first chirps of waking birds mark the dawn.  They speak not with fluent song, but with an awakening question.”


Ms. Nichols introduced ALS as a journey of notice and wonder. Can a lesson on executive functioning skills – on memory and communication in trio groups be wondrous? Indeed. Let’s just say, Legos were involved. At NCIS we make learning fun.


Ms. Godinez followed later this same day, continuing the theme of Executive Functioning Skills with nine steps to FOCUS – Focus Bingo, again bringing the fun to learning.  The Squares:  My Purpose - Learning Style – Who is the Boss – Chunking – Support – Manage your Time/Discipline – Know your Rhythm – Mindset/Fixed/Growth – Body/Mind/Spirit.

This first day was creative and interactive. It consisted of constructing Bingo cards, discussion and dialogue, defining terms providing examples, and a little line dancing to finish – a right and a right and then left, left, left.

Next week will consist of playing the game, going deeper, learning more about self and a personal path to success.

A couple of points for consideration – Who is the Boss? – this question places students in the driver's seat, and included an image of a smart phone. At NCIS we are working ahead of AB-3216, with phones off and away supporting learning, engagement and dialogue with the people in the room.

The Olympic Motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together” is all about Body/Mind/Spirit.  Success is not an accident.

Ms. Roletti served as our closer.  Again, executive functioning skills, but this time with a keen focus on organization and time management – what can a calendar do for you?  We know the old saying, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Organization supports a growth mindset – I will succeed because I have a plan to succeed.  Plans may change, but planning is a college, career, and civic life success strategy.  We’re always learning something at NCIS.

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