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What is a Community School?

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A Community School’s priority is to focus on the needs of their community. In partnership with school staff members, students, their families and the community they are a part of a Community School works to identify how to best support student success and meet their communities needs. 

They are designed to ensure that their community of students are equipped with a safe space to learn and have access to the proper services and resources to have a successful learning experience.

As stated by The California Community Schools Framework:

  A community school is any school serving pre-kindergarten through high school students using a 'whole-child' approach, with 'an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement.' As a school improvement strategy, community school initiatives enable the local educational agency and school to work closely with educators, students, and families to understand and address the unique needs, assets, and aspirations of the school community. Community schools then design their own curricula and programs to support the whole child and partner with community-based organizations and local government agencies to align community resources to realize a shared vision for success. They improve student outcomes by addressing students’ academic, cognitive, physical, mental, and social-emotional needs. In addition to orchestrating governmental and community resources, community schools meet the needs of children and youth by building a positive school climate and trusting relationships, along with rich learning opportunities that prepare all students to succeed in college, career, and life.”


The Four Pillars Approach

A Community School follows a four pillars research supported approach. They work to Integrate Student Support, Expand and Enrich Learning, Engage Families and Communities and Lead in Collaboration.

Integrated Student Supports
  1. Medical, dental, and mental health care services 
  2. Tutoring and other academic supports 
  3. Resources for families , such as parent education classes, job training and placement services, housing assistance, and nutrition programs

What that looks like at our schools:

  • Surveys, data and gap analysis 
  • Resource mapping 
  • Leadership, and academic workshops/ conferences
  • Job training and placement services 
  • S-TAC and R- TAC
  • Outsourcing consultants and contractors
Expanded Learning Time Opportunities
  1. Internships and  job shadowing
  2. STEM programs ( science, technology, engineering, and math)
  3. Arts and leadership programs

What that looks like at our schools:

  • Leadership programs 
  • Internships and apprenticeship programs 
  • Job shadowing 
  • Community Volunteer work
  • Summer school/programs 
  • Field trips
Active Family & Community Engagement
  1. Parent-teacher home visits and Back to School Nights
  2. Movie nights
  3. Volunteer opportunities- Red Cross blood drive
  4. Multicultural month

What that looks like at our schools:

  • Family events 
  • Volunteer opportunities 
  • Multicultural Month 
  • Back to School Nights and Open House  
  • Career Days 
  • Networking events
  • Other monthly themed events
Collaborative Leadership & Practice
  1. All advisory councils- S.S.C., P.A.C., D.E.L.A.C. and A.S.B. 
  2. Professional development conferences, PLC’s and workshops
  3. Shared vision and collaborative goal-setting

What that looks like at our schools:

  • Monthly meetings with community partners 
  • Meetings with parents and students
  • Weekly meetings with admin and site staff
  • DELAC 
  • A.S.B. 
  • P.A.C.
  • C.A.S.C.

The Four Pillar Approach

A Community School follows a four pillar research supported approach. They work to Integrate Student Support, Expand and Enrich Learning, Engage Families and Communities and Lead in Collaboration.

Integrated Student Supports

  1. Medical, dental, and mental health care services 
  2. Tutoring and other academic supports 
  3. Resources for families , such as parent education classes, job training and placement services, housing assistance, and nutrition programs

Expanded Learning Time Opportunities

  1. Internships and  job shadowing
  2. STEM programs ( science, technology, engineering, and math)
  3. Arts and leadership programs

Active Family & Community Engagement

  1. Parent-teacher home visits and Back to School Nights
  2. Movie nights
  3. Volunteer opportunities- Red Cross blood drive
  4. Multicultural month

Collaborative Leadership & Practice

  1. All advisory councils- S.S.C., P.A.C., D.E.L.A.C. and A.S.B. 
  2. Professional development conferences, PLC’s and workshops
  3. Shared vision and collaborative goal-setting

What that looks like at our schools

Integrated Student Supports

  • Surveys, data and gap analysis 
  • Resource mapping 
  • Leadership, and academic workshops/ conferences
  • Job training and placement services 
  • S-TAC and R- TAC
  • Outsourcing consultants and contractors

Expanded Learning Time Opportunities

  • Leadership programs 
  • Internships and apprenticeship programs 
  • Job shadowing 
  • Community Volunteer work
  • Summer school/programs 
  • Field trips

Active Family & Community Engagement

  • Family events 
  • Volunteer opportunities 
  • Multicultural Month 
  • Back to School Nights and Open House  
  • Career Days 
  • Networking events
  • Other monthly themed events

Collaborative Leadership & Practice

  • Monthly meetings with community partners 
  • Meetings with parents and students
  • Weekly meetings with admin and site staff
  • DELAC 
  • A.S.B. 
  • P.A.C.
  • C.A.S.C.

While these four acts are the base of a community school and help with their overall success the approach alone does not reflect community schools as a whole. Every Community School is different because each community is different. Community schools focus on becoming experts in their community and finetune each piece and ensure their student community is set up for success.

Meet our Community Schools Coordinators

Our participating SIATech School sites are El Centro, Indio, Downtown LA, and East LA locations. Our SIATech Community Schools Coordinators are Jose Martinez and Terrence Thomas. They are dedicated to being experts on the communities they serve and strive to meet the needs of students to better improve their academic journey.

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Activities and Events

Our Community Schools team is always hosting fun and educational events and activities for students. Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

Community Schools Updates

SIATech: Making Flexible Learning Possible

SIATech has free online independent study high school sites that provide computers and let students work online from home to graduate with a diploma.

SIATech El Centro High School Students Recognized by the ACLU for their Efforts in Increasing Voter Turnout

SIATech El Centro High School Students Recognized by the ACLU for their Efforts in Increasing Voter Turnout

Los Angeles Public Safety Resources: January 2025 Fires

Los Angeles Public Safety Resources: January 2025 Fires for SIATech Downtown Los Angeles, SIATech East Los Angeles, SIATech at Los Angeles Job Corps