
For Students: A Message from your SIATech Teachers

Your SIATech teachers are moved by the deaths of George Floyd and others, and stand by your side. The peaceful protests around the world and in communities are sending a powerful message for change.

We hear you, we see you, and we love you.

We remain committed to supporting and serving you through these turbulent times. Your teachers, as always, are standing by to help.

Click here for help, resources, and safety information. If you or someone you care about is experiencing a suicidal or mental health crisis, please call the Access and Crisis Line at (888) 724-7240. Trained and experienced counselors are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to provide support, referrals, and crisis intervention. You can also call the Access and Crisis Line if you are concerned about someone, just need to talk, have questions about how to offer support, or if you are looking for information about community resources, mental health referrals, and alcohol and drug support services.

Share your voice: SIATech Soundboard

Message from SIATech Superintendent Dr. Linda Dawson - PDF - Video

George Floyd Protests SIATech Schools
Photo: June 1, 2020, KPBS

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