
Get Help

Get Help

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Book your Wellness Check in Here:

Are you struggling with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, down, lonely, and/or having challenges with relationships in your life? Maybe you are feeling confused or wanting somebody to provide you with guidance? Perhaps you are exploring who you are and where you want to go in life? Maybe you are trying to find ways to manage your stress and keep up with schoolwork and life responsibilities? 

SIATech has an Educational Psychologist on staff whom you can meet with “virtually” and talk through whatever is on your mind in a safe and confidential space (i.e. Wellness Check In). She will provide you with resources, tips, and referrals for additional support if necessary.

While SIATech strives to make all information provided timely and accurate, the district makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the services that may be provided by any organization listed on this site. Reference on this site to any specific service or organization does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by SIATech. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory is provided by the district to any person that chooses to engage these organizations.

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