
LGBTQ Safe Space

LBGTQ Safe Space


For gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people the coming out process can be both difficult and liberating. For most people it takes time to know who you are. It is okay to be confused, or to be uncertain about whether or how to come out. Remember, you are not alone. There are many others with the same questions and concerns that you have. There are also people and organizations that can support or mentor you. It’s important to find the help you need from the resources available to you.

Please talk with a trusted adult/staff member and/or directly email the Student Wellness Coordinator (Misty Bonta) to get additional assistance on what resources and support will be the most helpful for you.

Below are some resources that may be helpful for you on your journey.


The Trevor Project: Access counseling and crisis support with mental health professionals who understand the LBGTQ experience. Text START to 678-678 or Call 866-488-7386. You can also check out their resource section to get more information on a variety of topics.

LGTQ Centers: Find a local community center that provides various services and supports for you.

It Gets Better: Check out various videos where people share their coming out stories and provide support and tips for your journey

GLSEN: Are you interested in starting a GSA club at school? GLSEN has student resources to explore how to get that started. If you are interested in helping create a GSA club, please contact Misty Bonta (misty.bonta@siatech.org) as well who can help support this work.

GSA Network: Resources on how to become a student leader and support a GSA club.

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