
Message from IT: Leave It On!

by Mark Kiker

We are encouraged to turn off the lights when we go home for the night to save electricity…but that does not work well for our computers. SIATech IT makes automated remote changes to student machines for updating software, pushing out fixes and installing new tools. It is imperative that all sites leave all machines running.

For student machines, the Deep Freeze maintenance window happens overnight. The machines are thawed, updated and then rebooted and frozen again. This all happens when the machines are left running. If you turn off machines then they do not get any updates. 

The machines also have to be connected to the network via wired network cable or wireless. If your student desktops or laptops are wireless, they need to be connected - but NOT via “siaguest”.  Updates and fixes only work on SIATech or SIACorp. It does not work on SIAGUEST.

Please help SIATech IT by leaving your machines on, plugged in, and connected.

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