SIATech North County High School's (NCIS) Principal, Mr. Lewis shared an update on what has been happening at NCIS during the first week back from Winter Break.
On Wednesday, January 8, Director of Information Technology, Mr. Martin, Facilities and Operations Coordinator, Mr. Wentz, and Senior IT Support Administrator, Mr. Miller installed two large screen Digital White Board Monitors in our large classroom and lab. This may sound simple but involves a lot of precision work and heavy lifting.
As a bonus, they repositioned two of our older monitors, creating an improved conference center learning space and welcome center. IT and Facilities are fan favorites here at SIATech North County in Oceanside!
Thursday, we started the day with fire and first aid learning and preparation. Followed by a fire drill, with full gear-up – emergency kits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits - featuring safe and orderly evacuation and return to site. The only things we were missing was a Halligan Tool and Fire Axe – we’re sure Mr. Wentz is on the case.
And what better way to follow the fun and over-excitement of a Thursday fire drill than a Thursday Stress Management Workshop – Namaste, Baby! Morning and afternoon sessions – with Wellness Coordinator, Ms. Evangelista! Ms. Evangelista provided a wonderful, engaging, and interactive presentation including a lot of resources for students and fun manipulatives for continuous de-stress. I’m not going to tell you about our unsuccessful, but hard fought, NCIS surgery session – another day.