On Tuesday, March 11th, The Career Technical Education (CTE) Roadshow arrived at SIATech North County Independent Study. The site hosted all five SIATech CTE Pathway Teachers for a day of fun, hands-on learning about all of the exciting things CTE has to offer.
“At NCIS, the IS stands for, 'It’s Showtime,'” said NCIS Principal,Mr. Lewis. This was a fantasticPortrait of a GraduateDay with a number of career presentations and cooking activity.
Mr. Reinecke,Mr. Bayron,Ms. Mendoza,Mr. Lopez, andMr. Healyshared their knowledge and expertise on all CTE has to offer with the students.
Students designed and made their own t-shirt logo designs with Mr. Reinecke, Ms. Mendoza, and Mr. Bayron. They then entered the Mad Scientist Lab with Mr. Lopez and engaged in a few hands-on activities. Lastly, they explored the new world of Artificial Intelligence with Mr. Healy.
“And it’s NCIS, so you know we grilled up a turkey too. King Kong ain’t got nothing on us! Turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread, gravy, corn, cookies, and some nice fresh grapes from +Box,” said Mr. Lewis.
In fact, all the food prepared was from the many community partners that NCIS has relationships with: North County Food Bank, +Box, and Vista Teen Outreach. The school is a great example of the generous support that SIATech receives from our surrounding communities!