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Mar 19, 2025

The Value of Partnerships: SIATech Community Schools Coordinator and the ACLU

On Tuesday, March 11th, Community Schools Coordinator Mr. Martinez attended and presented during the monthly Imperial County Office of Education Community Schools (ICOE CS) Network Meeting. 

During these meetings each school district from Imperial County collaborates by sharing resources and best practices to improve community schools initiative in the community. In this meeting, each school had the opportunity to bring a partner and share how they are working together to better their school community, as well as present success and challenges they’ve faced along the way and express the importance of having a community partner. 

Martinez and Community Partners, ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, gave a presentation at the meeting of the work they are doing together such as presenting parents and students with resources on “Know Your Rights,” providing online workshops, and much more. 

“ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties has been supporting our SIATech school in El Centro for more than a year, and we are constantly improving our partnership for the benefit of our students, families and community,” said Mr. Martinez.