According to Oxford Languages, gratitude is described as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”
Studies show that practicing acts of gratitude can reduce stress hormones in the body. Expressing gratitude can help an individual feel more at peace and are able to appreciate the things around them.
Being thankful is not only a nice action to benefit those around you receiving your gratitude, but it can also be a positive to the person who is doing the thanking.
Want to reap the benefits of gratitude but don't know where to begin? Try a few of these practices to help put your mind at ease.
These are just a few ways to practice gratitude this holiday season. Click here for additional ideas!
Thank you to all our SIATech staff for everything you do for our students everyday!
As a reminder, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the Central Office will be closed from November 25-29. Our sites' schedules may vary, so be sure to check your school calendars for dates.