
Partnerships and College Learning Opportunities at SIATech San Jose

by Laurie Pianka

SIATech schools work with many community partners to provide additional services and opportunities for students. In Summer 2019, many students from SIATech at San Jose Job Corps participated in the following summer college programs:

College-Readiness through California Community College Enroll

In May and June 2019, 53 SIATech San Jose Job Corps students participated in CA Community College (CCC) Enroll where they met with college counselors and created accounts that enroll them in the CCC system. Now students are ready for community college enrollment and just have to identify the specific college where they will enroll and courses they wish to take.

MAPin at San Jose City College

During the month of June 2019, in collaboration with MAPin, 20 students participated in a week long activity at the San Jose City College extension location in Milpitas, CA. Students learned engineering, design, coding and 3-D printing as they worked with a real client with a disability, and designed an application to help the client address a challenge they face each day. Students worked in teams and experienced the iterative process of design, build, prototype and redesign until they had developed a product that assisted their client and addressed their need. Teams then presented their product to their client in group presentations at the end of the week.

Coursework at San Jose City College as part of SIATech’s Career Pathways

Other SIATech at SJJC students took a medical terminology course at San Jose City College in June and July 2019. 10 SIATech students successfully completed a 4 week college course. They gained valuable experiences as they successfully navigated a college campus and are now ready to complete their Health pathway SIATech SJJC. We applaud their determination and resilience!

Medical Terminology Participants
MAPIn Design Thinking and STEM Boot Camp Group Project
MAPIn Design Thinking and STEM Boot Camp Participants
STEM Boot Camp Student Presentations

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