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Portrait of a Graduate

The Portrait of a Graduate is used as a model for incoming students, and implementing the SIATech Way which helps guide students throughout their educational journey and sets them up for a successful future.

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Portrait of a Graduate

SIATech sets high expectations for its students. The Portrait of a Graduate explains the attributes and skills developed in every SIATech graduate. Along with the SIATech Way, the Portrait of a Graduate helps guide students on their educational journey.

Step 1: Records Evaluation

Welcome to SIATech! The first step is to understand what courses you’ve already completed, what you have learned in the past, and what you will need to learn while at SIATech.

During the records evaluation process, we will go through your credit history and make sure every possible previous course will transfer into SIATech. This way you don’t have to retake anything you’ve already completed. Some students join SIATech with just a few credits to go, and others need to complete all their high school with us. We will meet you where you are on your high school journey! 

Our goal is to understand your unique strengths and areas of improvement, allowing us to tailor your learning experience accordingly. We will review your previous transcripts, test scores, and any other relevant records to gain valuable insights into your educational journey so far. This evaluation helps us identify your academic goals, interests, and any additional support you may need. It's an essential step that paves the way for a personalized and enriching learning experience at our school.

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A College and Career Ready SIATech Graduate is...

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This independence is crucial for navigating the complexities of adult life and professional environments.

  • Goal setting
  • Organization and Planning
  • Self-Regulation
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These skills are essential for adapting to changing circumstances and innovating in any field.

  • Problem Solving
  • Resourceful
  • Asking Questions
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Curiosity drives lifelong learning and personal development, which are key to staying relevant and fulfilled in a rapidly evolving world.

  • Discovering Passion
  • Exposure
  • Learning How to Fail
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Effective communication is vital for building relationships, conveying ideas, and achieving professional success.

  • Literacy in Reading and Writing
  • Code-Switching Abilities
  • Public Speaking
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Collaboration fosters a supportive work environment and enhances collective problem-solving.

  • Teamwork
  • Active Listening
  • How to Accept and Give Feedback
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Confidence and resilience help individuals overcome obstacles and persist in the face of adversity.

  • Growth Mindset
  • Self and Community Care
  • Courageous
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Financial literacy is essential for achieving financial stability and making informed economic choices.

  • Money Management
  • Creating a Budget
  • Understanding Priorities
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Being tech-ready ensures they can leverage technology effectively in both personal and professional contexts.

  • Digital Readiness
  • Tech Skills
  • Online Competencies

Ready to enroll?

Fill out our interest form to get started at SIATech! We'll get back to you to schedule a time to come and visit us in person and learn more about the school site near you.

For questions, you can email us directly at or text us at 888.621.0309.