
SIATech Pico-Union Quarterly Newsletter and Important Dates


September  2019  

3  Learning  Period  1  Begins  (First  Day  of School)


October  2019  

4  Learning  Period  1  Ends

7  Learning  Period  2  Begins


November  2019  

10  Learning  Period  2  Ends

11  Veteran’s  Day  (No  School)

12  Learning  Period  3  Begins

21-29  Thanksgiving  Break  (No  School)


December  2019  

13  Learning  Period  3  Ends

16  Learning  Period  4  Begins

25-31  Winter  Break  (No  School)

January  2020  

1-3  Winter  Break  (No  School)

20  MLK  Day  (No  School)

24  Learning  Period  4  Ends

27  Learning  Period  5  Begins


February  2020  

14  &  17  President  Day  (No  School)

20  Learning  Period  5  Ends

24  Learning  Period  6  Begins


March  2020  

20  Learning  Period  6  Ends

23  Learning  Period  7  Begins


April  2020  

13-17  Spring  Break  (No  School)


May  2020  

1  Learning  Period  7  Ends

4  Learning  Period  8  Begins

25  Memorial  Day  (No  School)


June  2020  

8  Learning  Period  8  Ends  (Last  Day  of School)


Reminder -  You  must h ave  80%  or  more progress  each  Learning  Period  to  be i n  good standing. Please  see  Independent  Study  Disciplinary Flowchart.

SIATech Pico-Union Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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