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Campus Security and Safety

SIATech schools have a strong reputation for being safe and secure. As a school of choice, students have opted to attend our schools and appreciate that other students are also there to focus, learn, and make the most of their time in the classroom. In addition, our caring staff create a culture that is welcoming and friendly.

Beyond students telling us how much they appreciate the safe classrooms at SIATech, the data backs it up. On the California state dashboard, SIATech has never received a rating lower than the top tier when it comes to student discipline. And, the Panorama survey data revealed that more than 90% of students agreed that SIATech is a safe and welcoming environment. We love being able to provide peaceful learning environments for students to thrive.

SIATech has a zero tolerance policy for violence, weapons, and other violations as agreed to in the student acceptable use policies that are signed upon enrollment. If you have any concerns about unacceptable or unwanted activity at your school site, be sure to contact your mentor teacher. You can also follow the uniform complaint procedures found on our website.
