
SIATech Career Pathways

What is CTE?

CTE stands for Career Technical Education and are elective classes that give a path to your future after High School Diploma.

What are Career Pathways?

Career pathways refer to a series of connected educational and professional experiences and opportunities that students can pursue to progress in a particular field or industry. They often involve a combination of education and training, work-based learning experiences (such as internships or apprenticeships), certifications or credentials, and opportunities for professional growth and advancement and are designed to provide students with the necessary skills and qualifications to meet the requirements of specific occupations or industries.

SIATech is the proud recipient of Career Technical Education Incentive and K-12 Strong Workfoce Program grants. The career pathways funded by these grants combine robust career exploration, comprehensive career and academic counseling, dual enrollment, and work-based learning opportunities with CTE coursework to prepare SIATech graduates to successfully transition to postsecondary employment and education.

About our CTE Staff

SIATech's CTE teachers and staff are qualified through a combination of education, industry experience, ongoing professional development, and a passion for equipping students with the skills needed to succeed in the workforce. They provide practical, hands-on instruction that bridges the gap between academic learning and real-world application, preparing students for a variety of career pathways.

Paxton/Patterson College & Career Ready Labs

Paxton/Patterson College & Career Ready Labs are available at SIATech schools. They provide the best college and career preparation for America’s youth. Our learning systems engage students with problem-based, real-world technology. We empower students to discover their interests and aptitudes, along the pathway to post-secondary success. Our unique programs concentrate on STEM Education, Health Science Careers, and Architecture & Construction. We also carry the most respected line of tools, equipment, supplies and furniture for schools.

Our Pathways Approach

  • Access to onsite SIATech CTE staff
  • Career interest surveys and exploration for all students immediately upon enrollment
  • Match students with career mentors
  • Exposure to local colleges
  • Opportunities for work based learning

What Career Pathways are available?

At SIATech, there are currently 5 pathways available across all Independent Study sites: Public and Community Health, Software and Systems Development, Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment, Operations, and Business Management. See the table below for more info about the available pathways and possible careers.




CTE trifold - courses - updated 91423.pdf

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