
SIATech El Centro Starts Strong for 2019-2020

By Sacha Sykora

SIATech El Centro is located in the Imperial Valley of California. The school was SIATech’s first independent study sites. It was established more than 10 years ago and has had more than 215 graduates to date. The campus currently serves about 150 students and is a thriving hub of activity and learning. Recently, students participated in the global climate strike and the Imperial Valley College & Career Fair.

On September 20,  2019, SIATech El Centro joined young people around the world in the climate strike to bring attention and awareness of climate change issues. This was held on a Friday, which is normally not a day when the site serves students. However, six students volunteered to come to school and march together from the school site to the El Centro City Hall. Jahaira Zuniga, a SIATech El Centro student commented on what inspired them. “I felt encouraged to walk out and strike for climate change, because our home (Earth) is in bad shape.” It is great to see the students engaged and motivated to fight for a clean planet.

SIATech El Centro students protesting for climate change and marching to El Centro's City Hall.

Another recent event for SIATech El Centro was participation in the Career and College Day at Imperial Valley College on September 26. This is an opportunity for students to visit the college campus and learn more about jobs and careers in the area. September also included the first student council meeting for the school year. Thank you to all the school leaders who are working together as a student council to build a better school for everyone.

One upcoming event is a field trip to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. This will be held on October 11 and will be a powerful way to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts studied in English, history, and social studies classes. And, it is a chance to travel to Los Angeles together as a SIATech El Centro community.

SIATech El Centro is Now Enrolling for the 2019-2020 School Year
SIATech El Centro students protesting for climate change and marching to El Centro's City Hall.
SIATech El Centro students protesting for climate change and marching to El Centro's City Hall.

SIATech El Centro Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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