
SIATech North County Featured Student: Emily

Emily is a new student at SIATech North County. Emily has a sweet, talkative, and friendly personality. Her dad is in the Navy so Emily has switched schools often.

When reflecting on her previous high school experience she says, “I wish I could go back and do a better job. I didn’t really care about my classes and so would kinda tune out. It is my biggest regret because I’m way behind.”

After another move, this time to Oceanside, Emily and her mom searched online and found out about SIATech. “I went to a different charter school before SIATech and liked that it was at your own pace and had tutors. SIATech seems like that too so here I am.”

SIATech specializes in helping students who need to earn credits at an accelerated pace, so this is a nice fit.

While Emily isn’t sure what she might do after graduation, she knows her favorite subject is math and thinks that might be something she’d want to continue to explore.

“I went to a different charter school before SIATech and liked that it was at your own pace and had tutors. SIATech seems like that too so here I am.”

- Emily

SIATech North County Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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