
SIATech North County Featured Student: Patti

Patti started with SIATech North County Independent Study High School in September 2019 after being out of school for a few months.

Patti let us know she wasn’t getting the best grades at her previous high school. The school told her she was far behind and that she needed to transfer to the continuation high school. So, after a few months of searching, Patti discovered SIATech after her cousin told her about it.

In previous schools, Patti said she struggled with teachers who weren’t helpful and didn’t pay attention to individual learning styles. But at SIATech she says it is different. “The teachers here at SIATech are very helpful, and they teach you in different ways to make sure you are learning what you need to learn.”

Patti also likes the friendliness of the teachers. “All the teachers are friendly and give you support. Mr. Healy is really goofy - I like him.”

Although she is just getting started this school year, Patti feels like she is making progress. “I’m almost done with my government class, and then I’ll move on to other classes that I need to work on.”

As she thinks about life after high school, Patti says she may want to go to school for cosmetology.

“All the teachers are friendly and give you support. Mr. Healy is really goofy - I like him.”

- Patti

SIATech North County Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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