
SIATech Partnership Members

Partnership Opportunities

SIATech partners with organizations that provide services to youth aged 16-24. If you would like to learn more about becoming a SIATech partner, click here.

Our Trusted Partners

Partner / Organization
SIATech Location(s)



In partnership with the San Diego Workforce Partnership Access empowers youth to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers throughout San Diego County. The goal is to find the intersection between what youth love to do, what they can be paid for, what employers need, and the education, training and support they need along their career pathway.  Opportunity Youth programs are centered on helping youth align their interests and skills with education, training and jobs.

South Bay Independent Study

North County Independent Study


CSD OA / San Diego Job Corps Center

At San Diego Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

South Bay Independent Study

El Centro Independent Study

North County Independent Study


ResCare/ Equus Workforce Solutions

ResCare/ Equus Workforce Solutions

Equus Workforce Solutions® is a comprehensive provider of workforce development services in North America. Our fifty-plus-year legacy of experience encompasses the development, design and delivery of demand-driven workforce solutions.

We are drivers and collaborators for workforce systems change, including adapting to changes in legislation, job seeker demographics and market and industry changes. We do this by integrating data-driven technology, expanding access to services and streamlining partner-supported service delivery.

Indio Independent Study

Moreno Valley Independent Study

Perris Independent Study


South Bay Community Services

South Bay Community Services

SBCS (formerly South Bay Community Services) is a community-based nonprofit organization providing a comprehensive range of services for children, youth, and families in San Diego county. Although we’ve grown to serve more than 50,000 annually through a wide array of services, SBCS started small and grew thanks to the support and donations of our neighbors.

South Bay Independent Study


Imperial Valley Workforce Development Board

The Imperial County Workforce Development Board (ICWDB) serves as an advisory board to the Imperial County Board of Supervisors. The ICWDB is comprised of community leaders representing private industry, nonprofits, and public agencies and is mandated by federal legislation to oversee public investments in employment and training programs. The ICWDB works in tandem with the Imperial County Workforce and Economic Development Office to build up the local workforce and help businesses in the community succeed.

El Centro Independent Study



YMCA Youth and Family Services

YMCA Youth and Family Services (YFS) provides direct service and support to over 15,000 individuals in the San Diego County community each year.

Since 1970, we have consistently provided unique programming that addresses San Diego's most pressing social issues and adapts to its ever-changing communal needs.

By ensuring everyone has a safe place to live, a reliable support system, encouragement to pursue their goals, and access to the resources they need to flourish, our staff, volunteers and donors continue to help bring about meaningful and lasting change for the youth and families of our community.

South Bay Independent Study

North County Independent Study


Los Angeles Job Corps- MTC

At Los Angeles Job Corps Center , we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Los Angeles Job Corps


Long Beach Job Corps- Bizzell group

At Long Beach Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Long Beach Job Corps


Inland Empire Job Corps- CHUGACH

At Inland Empire Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Inland Empire Job Corps


San Jose Job Corps- CSD

At San Jose Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

San Jose Job Corps


Sacramento Job Corps- CSD

At Sacramento Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Sacramento Job Corps


Paving Great Futures

Paving Great Futures

Paving Great Future’s goal is to increase the health and wealth in underserved communities in order for marginalized and at risk individuals to thrive socially, economically, and politically.

By addressing all of these areas, Paving Great Future’s comprehensive work experience programs transform misguided young people into productive and empowered community leaders capable of guiding relevant and lasting changes.

South Bay Independent Study


Youth Source Center

Youth Source Center

Brotherhood Crusade is a 50-year old grassroots organization with a vision of improving quality of life and meeting the unmet needs of low-income, underserved, under-represented and disenfranchised individuals. We envision a South Los Angeles devoid of health disparities, disenfranchisement and poverty-associated adverse public health conditions. We believe South Los Angeles can be a safe, thriving, culturally relevant and inclusive community that provides all residents equitable access to human & social services and continually improves their quality of life.

Boyle Heights Independent Study


Para Los Ninos

Para Los Ninos

We believe in the children, youth, and families we serve.
Our model fosters pathways to success through excellence in education, powerful families, and strong communities for children and youth to thrive.

Today, Para Los Niños continues to respond to the ever-growing and ever-changing needs of Southern California’s most challenging communities. The organization’s proven approach helps to build stronger, more stable families and brighter futures for children.

Boyle Heights Independent Study

Pico-Union Independent Study



Archdiocesan Youth Employment (AYE)

Archdiocesan Youth Employment (AYE)

AYE collaborates with the many organizations which include the Los Angeles Trade Tech College, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Bresee Foundation, Covenant House, Marriott Foundation, and the University of Southern California. These partnerships allow us to share information and resources to promote a comprehensive youth delivery system. These programs are vital in helping young people prepare for America’s future workforce.

Boyle Heights Independent Study

Pico-Union Independent Study


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