
Scholar Spotlight: SIATech Pico-Union Student Aldo Murrillo

By Michele Lee

Aldo explained that before enrolling in SIATech Pico-Union High School he felt stuck. “Before entering SIATech I was essentially doing nothing at all. Just watching the days go by me. I did attend school, multiple schools but I felt that's what I ‘had’ to do. But I was just wasting my time because while I went to school, I didn't do anything in school.” 

Since enrolling Aldo has made significant progress, both emotionally and academically. The first two years, Aldo suffered from anxiety and depression and battled coming into school and completing his tasks. “I had some problems personally with anxiety and depression that made it even harder than it should be. I generally just didn’t like myself and the direction my life was heading towards. But those are the things that make you grow the most, aren’t they? I’m not completely over it but it definitely is better than what it once was. And that’s only because I put in the effort it takes to get over those types of things. Instead of sitting in bed I went out. Instead of wasting my time by re-watching Seinfeld for the 11th time I went to school and added an accomplishment for my day. Looking back I wish I had taken school more seriously but you can't change the past, can you? All you can do is pick yourself up and move forward. Thankfully, that's what I did.”

Despite his setbacks, Aldo continued to attend school and started to cultivate strong relationships with the teachers. 

“One of the best things about SIATech is the teachers. It truthfully is. I was blessed enough to have my main teacher as Ms. Lee. She is one of the most supportive, caring, kind-hearted, individuals I've met during my time in the educational system. She's been patient with me during times I might not have been doing what I was supposed to be doing. Along with her, I've seen some other great teachers as well that all carry these qualities and some more. Teachers that come to mind, some here or gone, are Mr. Nishikawa, Mr. Rodriguez, Ms. Tania, Mr. Andy, and some others I might be forgetting.”

SIATech Pico Union High School student, Aldo Murrillo

In addition to the teachers, Aldo has enjoyed the accessible and engaging curriculum. “One of the key features that I like above everything else at SIATech are the step-by-step guides the lessons have. For example, when I came in I knew nothing about math. Just the basics. One of the main things I struggled with in other schools because they assumed I already knew something, but that wasn't the case for me. When I started Algebra in SIATech they went over the basics and I was able to learn it much quicker. I often found myself saying, ‘Oh, that was easy,’ when I completed a lesson. This might be a bit annoying if you already know the information, but for someone like me it was incredibly, incredibly, useful."

Aldo is still crafting his post-SIATech plan but has ambitions for college and is considering majors in journalism, design, or computer programming. “I'm not quite sure just yet what my plans might be after school. I do plan on attending a community college for two years, and hopefully transferring over my credits to a university. [The exact future] is really hazy at the moment. But that's ok. Whatever comes at me I know I'll be ready to take on the task.”

Aldo is now an active citizen in the classroom, proved himself a prolific writer and also balances school and work responsibly. We are very pleased with his progress and look forward to seeing him continue to grow!

SIATech Pico-Union Independent Study is part of a network of California charter high schools focused on helping 16-24 year old students get back in school and back on track to graduation. There is no tuition or fees to attend and students earn a fully accredited high school diploma. Learn more about your local campus at  www.siatech.org/enroll.

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