
SIATech Sacramento Alumnus Shares Her Story of How SIATech Made a Difference


Phuong Yang is an alumnus of SIATech Sacramento. She graduated in 2003.

The day I got my visa to immigrate to U.S, I was excited and was looking forward to a new life in a new country of a new world. During that time, I asked my parents hurry up to remove me from school, and I also persuaded them to book tickets quickly so we can be in the United States soon!

After settling down in Sacramento, I wasn’t able to attend high school due to the age issue. So, one of my relatives introduced me to Job Corps. I enrolled in Sacramento Job Corps Center in late spring of 2001. After two months, I got accepted and started packing my personal belongings with me to move away from my family. Yes, my new life of journey had begun.

From my day one, I was very nervous for many reasons. I can describe myself as a disabled person at that time. I had very limited English; I couldn’t communicate with others and make friends. I was mute because I couldn’t speak English even though I have a mouth. I considered myself a deaf person because I couldn’t hear and understand the conversation in English. I was blinded because I wasn’t able to read in English. Yes, my life was tough for any moment, but I was able to overcome because I met some good friends in the center, received good care from staff and gained knowledge and skill from my teachers at SIATech.

Although we didn’t speak the same languages, my friends and the staff were very patient with me. Sometimes we used body language and gestures to communicate with each other.

I have to say that I had gained a lot at my school. I took a few simple ESL classes, my teacher was great but tough on us sometimes. It was great because we got pushed hard and learned fast. I also took Business Tech as my trade simultaneously while taking ESL class. I still can recall my memory clearly of why I picked Business Tech. The reason was, I wanted to learn how to manipulate a compute because I had never seen a computer personally in my life back of those time I lived in my country. I was eager to learn. After assigning to a computer class, I got to see a computer and even better than that I was able to touch it too. What a deal!

My teacher, Ms. Kim was a very nice lady. She gave me a quick introduction but I couldn’t understand the full message due to my lack of English. Anyhow, I first started to learn how to type with her for a period of time. Learning how to type was not easy therefore, I came up with my own method and use my imagination so my fingers could be more flexible. We did not have a computer to practice after school. With an eager mind, after finishing my homework, practice my keystrokes by tapping my fingers and move my fingers on the table like an invisible keyboard. Once my typing got improved, I started to learn about the Microsoft Office Program until I passed my training course. I was happy!

Over the time, I picked up things faster and faster. Once my English improved some, I stated my High School classes at SIATech and after a lot of learning, I graduated in 2003. My schooling was not stopping right there, I enrolled in community college until my time was up for staying in Job Corps. After I moved out, I continued with my college then continued with University. I graduated with my B.S in Business from CSUS and I am also a Certified Licensed Broker in Real Estate. I would said that my motto for education is, “No pain no gain”.  I am not a smart person; I am a hardworking person. Hardworking pays off!

I love to travel.  I love to explore things. My most brave story that I am most proud of myself for is when I went on a backpacking to Europe. It was such a wonderful experience for me. There are many more things out there for us to explore. Time is ticking.  The world is waiting.

Currently, I am working at a Non-Profit Organization based in San Francisco. I love our Organization’s Mission. Do you believe paying forward? This is what I put myself in right now. I got help, gained education, got paid an allowance while living in Job Corps Center and attending SIATech. Now, I am able to use my learned skills and along with my enthusiasm to contribute to the communities.

This is my SIATech Story.

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