

Share Your SIATech Story

A short questionnaire to learn more about SIATech students and alumni. This is your chance to tell your story about what you were doing before you came to SIATech schools, what you liked best about SIATech, and your plans or activities after you finished SIATech. We hope you'll take this opportunity to tell us all about your experiences.

  • What were you doing before or at the time you enrolled with SIATech? Were you working, going to another school, doing nothing, etc. Please tell us about your life before SIATech.
  • What did you think about the teachers at SIATech? Were they helpful, supportive, knowledgeable, etc.? Please tell us what you thought about the staff at SIATech.
  • What did you like best about SIATech? What made it better or different than other schools you've attended?
  • If you are a currently enrolled student, what are your plans for after graduation?
  • If you are a graduate, what was your graduation experience like? Was there anything that you will always remember about graduation? (If you didn't graduate, put "N/A")
  • If you are a graduate or previously enrolled alumnus, what are you up to now? What are your long-term plans for the future?
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    • By submitting this form you agree that I hereby grant SIATech, RAPSA, and its legal representatives and assigns (including but not limited to clients, publications and agencies), irrevocable permission to use the academic work, graduation speech, photo, and video of this student in any manner, including (but not limited to) online, print, and other media. I will hold harmless SIATech and all affiliated organizations from any liability by virtue of distortion or alteration, unless it can be proven that such alterations and or distortions were done with malicious intent. The academic work, spoken word, photo, or video will not be sold in anyway. If you have any questions, email info@siatech.org.

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