
Participation and Weekly Check-ins Required for SIATech NCIS Students

Distance Learning Classes are Open while Campus Remains Closed.

Good Morning, Students!

This is coming to you from all of the teachers and staff here at NCIS. First, we want you all to know WE MISS YOU! It’s been rough not being able to see your smiling faces and connect with you in person!  We know this time has had its pros and cons for all of us and we just wanted you to know we are here for you.

We also wanted to remind you that SCHOOL IS IN SESSION. Students are expected to participate in their classes and a weekly check in with your teachers is MANDATORY. Students who need resources(computer/internet) please reach out to one of us and we will gladly get those resources to you!

Don’t let the Covid-19 interrupt your momentum, you’ve got this! Teachers and support staff are here to assist you. So far this year, we’ve had 10 graduates and many more are very close!  You can still make it happen for 2020!!

If you haven’t already, connect with your teacher for your MANDATORY conference and let’s finish the year strong!

Can’t wait to see you all in person again...until then, stay safe, healthy, and get to work!

Distance Learning

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