
Welcome Dr. Shirley Bullard as SIATech’s New Board Chair!

Shirley learned about SIATech through another board member, Dr. Mark Baldwin, who diligently served on the SIATech board for many years. Shirley and Mark had worked together in administrative roles within the Poway Unified School District,  however Shirley had moved on to work for the Ken Blanchard Companies. She also had board experience as a member of the Mission Federal Credit Union.

Reflecting on her early conversations with Mark in 2002, Shirley commented, “One of the values that Mark and I shared was to put the needs of students first. I continue to hold that value as core to my being as a professional: ‘put the needs of others first.’ Mark suggested that even though I was no longer working with students I could still be in pursuit of that value by serving on the SIATech Board of Directors. He was very convincing and after a couple of meetings as a guest, I was hooked!”

Shirley has an affinity for SIATech’s mission to serve at-promise students and provide them with an opportunity to earn a diploma. “I am thrilled to be a small part of a mission that inspires and gives hope.” Her support of the mission has been acknowledged by SIATech staff who have worked closely with her over the years. Mike Hadjiaghai, SIATech’s Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services, commented, “Shirley Bullard has been a cornerstone of our Board and organization’s success.  Her passion for our at-promise student population coupled with her incredible knack for focusing on the most pivotal aspects of issues, have been powerful driving forces which have helped SIATech continue to be at the leading edge of alternative education."

Dr. Shirley Bullard, SIATech’s Board Chair.
Shirley Bullard having a conversation with a collegues at the RAPSA Forum.
Shirley Bullard having a conversation with a collegues at the RAPSA Forum.

Shirley’s professionalism, expertise, and compassion are significant factors that keep the SIATech board focused on its most important stakeholders - the students. “Students don’t arrive on our doorstep because they have had it super easy.  They arrive despite incredible odds not in their favor. The one thing they bring with them is the ‘promise’ to try one last time. So, every time a SIATech student steps on stage to receive their diploma, I know they are well on their way to be a life-time learner and goal achiever.  I realize that is a proud moment for everyone in our organization – teachers, support staff, administrators, the board, and our many partners.”

Shirley has an impressive education and career history in human resources. She attended Thomas Jefferson School of Law (formerly Western State University College of Law) in San Diego, receiving her juris doctorate and bachelor of science in law degrees. She worked for 10 years in education for the Poway Unified School District, and prior to that for more than 15 years with the U.S. Navy as a civilian employee. Currently, Shirley is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Ken Blanchard Companies where she oversees the Client Delivery Management and Operations departments, partners on Talent Management and various corporate projects. 

Shirley’s selflessness and commitment to service are evident. Last year she was invited to write a chapter in Servant Leadership in Action: How You Can Achieve Great Relationships and Results, edited by Ken Blanchard and Renee Broadwell. Shirley’s chapter is entitled “Serving from an HR Perspective.” The chapter focuses on the leadership needed in a crisis, in this case the 2007 wildfires in San Diego County which destroyed more than 1500 homes, including Ken Blanchard’s house. Shirley was a bold leader who actively served her work community during the evacuation, crisis response, and rebuilding. She wrote, “With a mindset of ‘I am here to serve,’ you can get through even the most challenging event with grace.” Shirley truly lives out her personal and professional value of living in service to others.

With many years of board service experience, this is Shirley’s first opportunity to serve as Chair and she welcomes constructive suggestions. “One thing I have is an ask of those who I may come in contact with:  I ask that people give me feedback and point out how I can be better, to share their own experiences with me to help me learn and grow, and to assume I come from a place of good intentions to make it better for all of us in our organization.” 

Shirley reflected on where she sees her role and the board’s direction for 2019-2020 and beyond. “I plan to build on the foundation of the great work that has preceded me and be a role model for servant leadership. It is critical that the Board continues to make a difference in the lives of students by the actions it takes through policy and organizational oversight.  I will do what I can to help SIATech survive and thrive in good times and bad.” 

SIATech Board Chairman Shirley Bullard presents award to outgoing Board Chairman Don Haught.
SIATech Board Chairman Shirley Bullard presents award to outgoing Board Chairman Don Haught.
SIATech Board Members
SIATech Board Members

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