
Superintendent’s Welcome for 2019-2020 School Year

Hello All! Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! There are many exciting events scheduled for this coming year.  August 21-23 we will be hosting the Learning Summit here in Oceanside at the QLN Center.  This is an opportunity for all SIATech staff to come together to share best practices, discuss pressing site issues, learn new skills, and interact professionally with colleagues from all over the State of California.

November 11-15 is Leadership Week, which includes Fall Leadership and the Alternative Accountability Policy Forum.  Leaders from across the SIATech network will come together to learn more about the importance of Trauma Informed Systems and review and/or learn about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  The Policy Forum brings together educators, community leaders, and policy makers from across the nation to deal with accountability issues for alternative schools and how we can all work together to effect meaningful ways to describe student success.

SIATech was awarded two grants this year, the CTEIG grant and the Strong Workforce Grant, which provides funding for staff and materials to continue our development of Career Pathways in high-growth industries for our students. The grants also provide opportunities for college and advanced training through internships and community post- secondary partnerships.

SIATech Superintendent, Linda Dawson
SIATech Superintendent Dr. Linda Dawson looks over the shoulder of Student Bryan Rosalas to learn more about his math assignment.

These are exciting times in education.  There will always be challenges as we work with the re-engagement of the most vulnerable students who are in need of a high school credential and college/ career training that will lead to employment in fulfilling, family sustaining jobs.  Where there are challenges there is always opportunity to find innovative ways to show success.  I am confident that we will be successful in not only graduating more students in 2019-20 but also graduating more students with CTE certifications, resilience, and a clear path to success in their future!

Whatever your role might be in working with Opportunity Youth, I thank you and congratulate you on taking on this important work.  Our kids depend on your passion and commitment to their futures.  Thanks for all you do and all you will do in this school year!

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