
Mental Health Info: Schizophrenia/Bipolar


What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder causes extreme ups and downs in a person’s mood and energy. People have low-energy moods of depression and high-energy moods called mania (also called manic moods).

Just about everyone goes through ups and downs in their moods. Most of the time, mood changes do not mean a person has bipolar disorder.
But mood changes could be a sign of bipolar if they are extreme, include depressed moods and manic moods, have extreme effects on a person's energy, thinking, and behavior
cause big problems in a person’s daily life.

Bipolar Disorder (for Teens)
More Information about Bipolar Disorder

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that can affect someone’s behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.
Some signs and symptoms include:

  • a drop in academic performance
  • sleep challenges
  • socially withdrawing from friends and family
  • a disinterest in things they used to be interested in
  • lacking personal hygiene or self-care
  • difficulty concentrating
  • changes in speech or having no expression when talking
  • paranoid thinking, such as the FBI is following them
  • unusual thoughts
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